"Rescue Me" - The gift that arrives all year long!
"Rescue Me" - The gift that arrives all year long!
My 5enses has curated a special collection of products just for you, based on the needs in each season! Once subscribed a “Rescue Me” kit will arrive every three months. You can gift “Rescue Me” to another person, by simply providing their information in the shipping section at check out. If you want to send a special note with the kit (done at the checkout), we will add it each time the kit is sent. The “Rescue Me” kit contents for each season and the time of year available are as follows:
Winter (December 1st to February 28/9th)
1 x “Take the Day off” fascial cleanser
1 x Beach Babe (Original scent) Body Butter
1 x Slumber Butter (Lavender relaxation butter)
2 x Seasonal #shavenaked Bath Bomb
1 x Lip Balm
Spring (March 1st to May 31st)
1 x OiLFACTORY (Peace out)
1 x Restoration (Magnesium cream)
1 x SOS (Save Our Skin - Healing Balm)
1 x Foaming Sugar Scrub (Seasonal)
1 x Zap-It (Blemish stick)
Summer (June 1st to August 31st)
1 x OiLFACTORY (Muscle Hustle)
1 x Eye Candy (Under eye serum)
1 x Foaming Sugar Scrub (Chill)
1 x Dark Matter - Tube (Charcoal face and body soap)
1 x Lip Balm
Fall (September 1st to November 30th)
1 x OiLFACTORY (Chakra Balance)
1 x Foaming Sugar Scrub (Seasonal)
2 x Seasonal #shavenaked Bath Bomb
1 x Talons (Nail oil)
1 x Lip Balm
The first package is shipped within days of the orders receipt and will be the season in which the order was received, not the day it is shipped. So if you want to start the cycle in a particular season, please be sure to place your order within the seasonal window indicated above.
The flat fee freight charge and HST are in addition to the “Rescue Me” kit charge every three months. You may cancel your subscription anytime. If by chance you need to pause the subscription for a season, please reach out to My 5enses at the info@my5enses.com email address with the subject line “Pause - Rescue Me subscription”.
Do you know that 75% of men polled do not have a clue what their partner uses as far as a skin regime? Did you know that over 90% of the men we asked if their spouse wanted socks or a decent moisturizer, chose socks for their spouse? It’s clear that men don’t have a clue for the most part (I can attest to that as I am a man (Shawn H) writing this, and even I who has been in this industry for a number of years now still asks questions about what my partner wants) , so “Rescue Me” was invented to allow our customers to give their partner some direction in life when it comes to choosing a relevant valuable product for their partner.
Spring Rescue Me Collection - 2021